Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Civil engineering to be continue

uda berasa lama ga ada post something gitu yaaa.

 kangen deh, kaget jugak, viewersnya uda nyampe 5ribuan. ga nyangaka, baru aja diliat beberapa bulan yang lalu..

by the way, aku uda masuk semester 4 di Fakultas Teknik, teknik Sipil. so, what is civil engineering? why i choose civil engineering as my future? as a women, why don't i choose to be a doctor or a teacher like every woman do in this world? okey, let me just explain, why..
 its a hard question to answer.. but i will try.
first of all, civil is a job which is relavant with contruction, stability, city planning. can you imagine that? thats not an easy job, right? if doctor can't cure,a human. the impact is that "one" human can die. but, how if civil engineer make a mistake with their approximate estimate on the contruction? it can be impact with the human on the building. how about if there are one thousand people at the building? can you imagine how cool my future is. safe people lives.. make the country becomes beautiful and safe..
so, if you guys interested with civil engineering. here are some

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